Step-by-step guide
1. Prepare the USB Disk, Copy your system image file(only copy the file you want to update) to the USB Disk:
bootstarp file: at91sam9x5ek-nandflashboot-uboot-3.5.3.bin
U-boot file: u-boot.bin
DTS file: at91sam9g25ek.dtb
Linux kernel: uImage
File system: ubifs.img
please confirm the file name is the same that you copy it to the USB Disk, only copy the image that your want to update, don't need copy all the file.
If you use the 256MB DDR2 RAM version, you should rename the at91sam9x5ek-nandflashboot-uboot-256M-3.5.3.bin to at91sam9x5ek-nandflashboot-uboot-3.5.3.bin, or rename the u-boot-256M.bin to u-boot.bin.
2. Insert the USB Disk to the CORE9G25-CON board.
3. Power on the board, then the board will update the system auto, when the Terminal print the follow info, it means update system success.
### Update OK ### Please RESET the board ###
4. Remove the USB disk, and power on the board again.