Your CORE9G25 board has two clocks:
- One called System Clock that is a software clock maintained by the Linux Operating System
- Another one called Real Time Clock (RTC) and implemented in hardware inside the Atmel CPU. This clock is powered by a Lithium battery to mantain the clock alive when the main power supply is off.
Setting the System Clock
date is the Linux command to manage the systems clock.
To read the currently System Clock type:
~# date
Fri Oct 8 17:44:42 CEST 2010
To set it type:
~# date -s 201311231517
Sat Nov 23 15:17:00 UTC 2013
This time is active until the main power supply board is on. When off the system clock is lost.
Setting the Real Time Clock
To read the Hardware Clock type:
~# hwclock -r
Fri Oct 8 17:46:43 2010 -0.004115 seconds
To set the Hardware Clock using the System Clock current time type:
~# hwclock -w
Now check it typing:
~# date
Fri Oct 8 18:49:02 CEST 2010
~# hwclock -r
Fri Oct 8 18:49:10 2010 -0.004076 seconds